Non-refundable contributions by shareholders

Non-refundable Contributions by Shareholders in Spain

Non-refundable contributions are an effective and immediate mechanism for injecting funds into a company. Its purpose may be to solve the company’s financial imbalance, provide liquidity to the company or undertake a specific project. Unlike capital increases, non-refundable contributions do not require formalization in a public deed, nor registration with the Commercial Registry.

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The arbitration clause in business contracts

The use of an arbitration clause in business contracts

The arbitration clause allows the parties to the contract to submit disputes arising from the contract to an arbitration court. To be valid, the clause must meet several requirements and its utility should be determined by balancing its advantages with its disadvantages.

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Extension of temporary lay-offs (ERTE)

Extension of temporary lay-offs (ERTE) in Spain

Following the agreement signed between the Government and the social partners to extend the impact of the protection measures adopted during the state of alert, the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security, and Migration has adopted new measures for companies and workers, available from the 1st July until the 30th of September.

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