grid capacity Spain

Energy law in Spain (4): Innovations for identifying and securing free grid capacity of the electricity grid

The changes introduced by Royal Decree-Law 23/2020 and Royal Decree 1183/2020 include important innovations regarding the future identification of free network capacity for energy projects in Spain and grant important benefits in cases of hybridization of projects. The new regulation also provides clarity in the case of modification of projects that already have grid connection and feed-in authorization.

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grid connection feed-in permits

Energy Law in Spain (2): The Interlocutor Único de Nudo (IUN)

Royal Decree 1183/2020, of 29th December 2020, includes substantial modification regarding the granting procedure concerning grid connection feed-in permits for energy projects in Spain. Important innovations concern the unification of the procedure for the award of grid connection and feed-in permits as well as the often-criticised ‘Interlocutor Único de Nudo’ (IUN). Learn about the most relevant aspects of the new regulation!

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energía renovable

Renewable energy: The contract for the transfer of surface rights

The installation of photovoltaic power stations (solar parks) or wind energy farms requires the formalisation of a contractual relationship between the developer and the owner of the designated land. Through its advantages, the contract for the transfer of surface rights has acquired great prominence over sale or rental contracts.

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