acta notarial

Notarial Deed of the General Shareholders’ Meeting in Spain

Any shareholder holding a certain percentage of the company (5 % in the case of limited liability companies, and 1 % in the case of public limited companies, unless statutory provisions have reduced these percentages) is entitled to require the administrators to have a notary present to record the minutes of the general meeting.

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registro mercantil

The Deposit of Annual Accounts in Spain

The Law of Capital Companies in Spain establishes that administrators are responsible for depositing the annual accounts. Failing to do this may result in the imposition of sanctions on the company and the closing of its registry, which would prevent registration of the company’s acts and documents.

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trade secrets

New Business Secrets Law in Spain

Law 1/2019 of 20 February refers to business and trade secrets and establishes a clear and unequivocal definition of the unlawful actions and exclusions it contemplates. This law transposes Directive (EU) 2016/943 of 8 June 2016 into Spanish law.

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What are phantom shares?

Phantom shares constitute a mechanism widely used by start-ups to reward talent. Unlike what happens with stock options, phantom shares are not an offering of the company’s real shares but are rather fictitious.

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Duties and functions of members of the Board of Directors in capital companies

Within the Board of Administration of the capital companies exist distinct responsibilities to which are attributed a series of particular functions. Regarding the distribution of positions within a Board of Directors, it is important to have clear distributions to the President, the Secretary and the rest of the members of the Board of Directors (members).

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Preliminary Draft of the Corporate Confidentiality Act in Spain

The new legislation extends the protection of the business secrets to the so-called “infringing goods”. This refers to those products and services whose design, characteristics, functioning, production process or marketing significantly benefit from business secrets unlawfully disclosed, exploited or acquired.

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