Lista publicaciones


The Convention on the International Sale of Goods or CISG

This article introduces the Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and its distinctions in common-law jurisdictions. It is particularly informative for foreign companies engaged in international contracts, offering insights into the contract-drafting process and the significance of specific clauses.

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LOPD in Spain for Software and Data Protection

The LOPD mandates a Technical Suitability obligation on software creators. For professionals like health practitioners maintaining health data records, utilizing software for database management is a common practice, aligning with the compliance requirements set forth by the legislation.

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Modification of the bankruptcy proceedings in Spain

The Council of Ministers has endorsed a draft amending Spain’s insolvency proceedings law, previously modified by Royal Decree 3/2009. The amendments, introduced to expedite and reduce costs, aim to position insolvency proceedings as a tool not only for winding up but also for attempting to save the company.

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How to validate documents in Spain for recognition in foreign countries

Recognition of Spanish public documents in foreign countries is an international legal issue addressed by the Hague Convention of 1961. This article provides a brief overview of the fastest process for legalizing a Spanish public document for recognition abroad, essential for individuals involved in immigration or foreign business ventures.

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Employment aspects of foreign investment in Spain

To initiate procedures for opening a company or working in Spain, an investor planning to stay or work in the country must consider the provisions outlined in our Foreign Law concerning the establishment, continuation of residence, and the exercise of activities in Spain.

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