Essential points regarding the working time record in Spain
Read the full article: Working time record in Spain, what should the company take into account?
Read the full article: Working time record in Spain, what should the company take into account?
Royal Decree Law 8/2019 of 8 March 12 May 2019 establishes that all companies carrying out an activity in Spain must keep a daily record of the working hours of their workers. Non-compliance with this measure may lead to fines up to €6,250.
The Spanish justice system begins to call into question the à la carte working day when it appreciates that the organisational causes founded by the company are more relevant than the purposes alleged by the workers who request the adaptation of their working hours.
On December 21, 2013, the Spanish Legal Bulletin (BOE) published the Royal Decree Law 16/2013, of December 21, on measures to promote stable hiring and improve the employability of workers, …