Real Estate

Invertir en España

Perspectives on Spanish investment in 2014

Spain provides excellent investment opportunities in 2014, especially in the real estate sector. The growth in Gross Domestic Product and improvement in the labour market seem to point towards the end of the crisis and bring more opportunities for profitable investment in Spain.

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España recomendación para inversión

Viva España

In the first few days of September, the investment company Morgan Stanley upgraded its growth outlook for Spain. The company recently launched its last report, Viva España, which outlines recommendations …

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Evolución precio vivienda españa

Housing Price Evolution in Spain

According to a report from Euroval, a Spanish appraisal firm, Barcelona and San Sebastian registered a higher value of apartments during the first half of 2013. Huelva and Lleida registered lower prices. The biggest range in prices of apartments was in Madrid: between 62 and 198 thousand euros.

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Application for Residence Visa by Acquiring Property

The article discusses the main steps in the process of acquiring property in Spain and how to apply for a residence visa based on the acquisition. The initial residence permit can be renewed for another set of 2 years by presenting the corresponding documents before the Large Companies Unit of the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security.

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The Spanish Registration System

Registration in the Spanish Registration system generally has a declarative character, but in some cases it might be of incorporation character and thus obligatory in order to provide protection. Once a proper registration has been carried out, it produces several favorable effects according to principles of legality, specialty and Chain of Title.

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