08 2024 The CAE Agreement in Spain

The CAE Agreement in Spain: Parties and Provisions

The minimum content of the CAE Agreement, designed for the procurement or transfer of energy savings by a delegated or obligated entity, is outlined in Order TED/815/2023, dated July 18th. This order partially elaborates on Royal Decree 36/2023, of January 24th, governing the system of Energy Saving Certificates in Spain.

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25 2023 Law firms as escrow agents

Law firms as escrow agents in business transactions

An escrow agreement is a contract between 3 parties: the buyer, the seller, and an impartial third party called the escrow agent. The escrow agent holds money or assets until certain terms of the agreement are met. Law firms can act as escrow agents, providing agility, security, trust and cost savings in business-to-business transactions.

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56 2022 Alternatives to energy commercialisation in Spain

Alternatives to energy commercialisation in Spain

In Spain, the trading status is necessary to sell or resell energy on the market, a lucrative activity, although burdensome in practice for some market players. Collective self-consumption, and the approach of a specific contractual structure, stand out as alternatives to energy commercialisation.

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43 2022 The sale of CBD in Spain

Is the sale of CBD legal in Spain?

In Spain, CBD lacks specific regulation and is governed by international conventions and the oversight provided by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS).

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43 2022 The sale of CBD in Spain

Is the sale of CBD legal in Spain?

CBD, a chemical in the Cannabis sativa plant, has gained popularity in Spain and other countries due to its medicinal properties. The Court of Justice of the European Union has approved its sale. Despite limited regulation in Spain, there are adequate control mechanisms for CBD sales.

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