How to apply for bankruptcy proceedings

How to apply for bankruptcy proceedings in Spain

Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 introduces changes to the deadlines for applying for bankruptcy proceedings in Spain, whether voluntary or necessary. It also empowers the judges to reject applications, up to two months after the end of the state of alarm.

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Changes in the Bankruptcy Law in Spain

The Royal Decree-Act 4/2014 is focusing on the refinancing agreements which may include waivers and capitalisation of debt and deferral payments. These agreements will essentially make the heavy burden of debt much more manageable for businesses.

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Unapproved Refinancing Agreements in Spain

A new regime is being introduced in order to give some unapproved refinancing agreements judicial validity. The new regime will enter into force before the effective date of the Real Decree Law; however, the previous regime will still apply unless the parties choose otherwise. 

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The Dissolution of a Company in Spain due to Losses

The dissolution of a company in Spain as a result of losses, in particular in times of an economic crisis, requires certain procedures to be followed. The Corporate Enterprises Act (LSC) highlights different methods of dissolving a company depending on what type of company it is.

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