Company Law

Application of cash basis in the management of the VAT in Spain

With the new Law of Entrepreneurs, which will enter into force in 2014, the new cash basis for managing the VAT willreplace the old accrual basis. With the new system, the supplier does not need to enter the VAT until the customer is charged and the customer cannot deduct the VAT until they have paid the invoice.

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General Meetings’ Regulation for Capital Companies in Spain

Since September 1, 2010, Section 4 of Title 1 in Book II of the Commercial Code, pertaining to partnerships limited by shares, as well as the laws governing Public Limited Companies, Limited Liability Companies, and Title X of the Stock Markets Law concerning publicly listed companies, has been repealed.

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The new Capital Company Law in Spain

On July 2nd, the Council of Ministers approved the Redrafted Text for the Law of Capital Companies (Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010). Effective from September 1, 2010, it unifies regulations for various company types, addressing organizational issues and imperfections.

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