Preferred Rights and Creation of Share Classes in Startups

When a venture capital or private equity fund invests in a startup, it can negotiate preferred rights through the creation of classes of shares. This mechanism aligns interests and protects investments, optimizing returns and ensuring economic and governance privileges for the investor.

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08 2024 The CAE Agreement in Spain

The CAE Agreement in Spain: Parties and Provisions

The minimum content of the CAE Agreement, designed for the procurement or transfer of energy savings by a delegated or obligated entity, is outlined in Order TED/815/2023, dated July 18th. This order partially elaborates on Royal Decree 36/2023, of January 24th, governing the system of Energy Saving Certificates in Spain.

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06 2024 The energy savings certificates (CAE or ESC)

The Energy Savings Certificates (CAE) System in Spain: Origins, Stakeholders, and Process

The Energy Savings Certificates (ESC System or CAE System in Spain) is a mechanism that incentivizes companies in Spain to invest in energy efficiency under government oversight. It functions by issuing electronic certificates (ESC), which verify the final energy savings achieved after implementing an energy efficiency performance. Additionally, it involves the establishment of a new economically relevant market for trading these instruments with third parties.

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04-2024 The contract termination of Senior Managers

Senior Manager’s Role in Spain: Exploring Contract Termination Dynamics

The employment relations of Senior Management, regulated by Royal Decree 1382/1985 in Spain, have special conditions, especially concerning contract terminations, where the sometimes less favourable conditions for Senior Managers (compared to regular employees) generate frequent conflicts after the termination of the working relationship.

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