The importance of due diligence in business transfer operations

Prior to a transfer of a business in Spain, one should carry out a due diligence in order to analyse the economic, financial and legal aspects of the business to be acquired. The process will help set an objective price for the transfer of the company and help avoid any risk of defects related to the company sold.

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The Spanish Copyright Law

Thanks to the introduction of the European directives, copyright law has been harmonized throughout the European territory, including Spain, and has strengthened legal protection of creators.

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Collective agreements in Spain

Collective agreements are agreements between unions and employers that establish wages, work schedule and other work conditions. Additionally, these agreements allow the adjustment of the rules of the company’s business sector.

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Concept and purposes of the due diligence in Spain

The due diligence refers to an investigation procedure prior to acquiring or investing in a project. The aim of the due diligence is to give the investor or buyer a full knowledge of all the costs, benefits and risks involved in the transaction, so that he can take a reflexive decision.

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Major modifications to work conditions contract in Spain

The modifications to work conditions contracts in Spain include: significant modifications to the employment contract, required conditions for significant modification to work conditions, types of significant modifications to work conditions, communication of the decision on significant modifications to work conditions, and opportunies available to the employees with regards to individual and collective framework.

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